Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, which is one of the greatest inventions of the betterment and comfort of mankind. We have a telephonic conversation almost every hour. Having telephonic conversations has become a part of our daily routine. Tring! Tring! Hello, who’s calling? Do you talk on the phone? Do you talk for long hours or short period of time? If I talk about myself, I talk a lot on the phone and usually, tell friends about the conversation I had. While talking to friends, people often are seen in search of new words and phrases. Maybe you too require it. If you want to tell someone about the conversation you had, or while talking on the phone the call got disconnected, or the person on the other side was not audible. So, In this telephone call vocabulary, we will be learning new words and phrases for the situations. Let’s have a look. 1. Dead – battery ran out   e.g.- I am so sorry, my phone went dead. 2. Engaged – If the line’s busy, call


Are you currently trying to pick up a new language to learn or Do you find fun learning a new language in your leisure time. Presumably, you might have decided to improve your English skills. Then I believe this is the best decision that you have made. Now, in this lesson today I am going to share 5 reasons that explains why learning English is necessary.

1.English is a global language

It is a language spoken world-wide. Here, I mean that people do understand and do speak English as a second language in many countries. When it comes to travelling or visiting different countries, if do not speak your language, then English comes to rescue. So,little knowledge or basic knowledge is also very helpful when you visit new countries and try way out in other countries.

2.English will open a world of new opportunities

If you have a good level of knowledge of English, you can speak effectively and your communication skill will be great. If you are seeking for employment or even if you are travelling, English is language, is very helpful. If you are taking a job relating tourism, includes too much of travelling or if you are taking job with airlines even in film industry or media, where you suppose to travel too much then English definitely opens up opportunity to go ahead and take up a job because if you can speak effectively in English, trust me you will get this job and you will do great in that field.

3.English will make you a hot property

Employers always seek someone who speaks English because it is a language spoken world-wide and if you speak confidently, and your communication skills are great then that will reflect in you and would help employers to heir you. If you speak good English, then you will be considered as hot property in the market so which means you speak well then they would love to heir you. It is also considered as a business language. Even when you use powerful English words in resume or interview, people are really impressed so, it is important for you to learn English if you want grow in your career.

4.English is simple language to learn

It has simple alphabets. Unlike, any another language where in letters and alphabets are so complicated, to many symbols, to many pictures and it just makes you very confuse whereas when learning English, alphabets are very simple and you do not have to put lot of effort to understand certain pronunciations. It is very easy to learn alphabets, to write them and of course to pronounce them. So, go ahead and pickup as a language to learn.

5.English is a plain fun

If you love to watch movies or interested in T.V show, and playing games or just being on facebook, then its important for you to understand English because English is widely used on internet and of course there are too many movies and TV shows in English like American idol, Master chef, etc.

This is the end of the lesson. Undoubtedly, English is a best language to learn. Please start learning, it will be quite helpful to you.Thank you. Have a nice day.


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